The month of March is winding down. It seems like this semester is going fast. I am sure all of that will change when finals time comes around. That time of the year always drags ass. The beginning of the month was full of tests and papers, and a couple of events for T.A.B.
I just got back from Spring Break, and I must say that it was a blast. Hollie, Nathan, and Lacy drove up here from Dallas on Thursday the 9th, and stayed the whole weekend. It was a lot of fun hanging out with them. I left outta the LBK and headed to Oklahoma on Saturday morning. I stayed with Nick and Keith, which is always a good time. I hung out with Nicole and Tim as well while I was there. I have not seen them since December. They have been hella busy getting ready for the wedding.
Saturday, Keith and I went to Coach’s (the bar Nicole works at) and had a few drink and then we met up with Nick and headed to Bricktown Brewery to see Gooding ( play. I have not seen Gooding and the fellas since the last time I was in OKC. They rocked the house, as always. The next afternoon Keith and I met up with them for lunch at their hotel, and then went back to the house to hang out. Sunday night I went to dinner with Nicole at Yellow Tail, the place Tim works. After that, we headed to Tulsa to meet up with Nick and Keith at Cain’s. Nick played a set and then we watched another band play… and then I had to head home to my folk’s house.
Monday some friends came and picked me up and we headed down to South Padre Island for the week. I had a really good time hanging out on the island! We did tons of partying and a little relaxing on the beach. The weather started out kind of gloomy, but quickly changed for the better. I met Ace and Alton from the Real World. Amanda and Alden came down from Texas State and I hung out with them one night. I met a ton of people from all over. It was a great week. I got back to Dallas Thursday night and hung out with my friends and family until Monday. While I was in Dallas, we went out a few times, and went out for Nathan’s 23rd birthday! I got back to the LBK around 4:45pm. My Senior Spring Break is officially over. I did a lot of traveling, but it was all worth it. The people that I got to hang out with and the experiences that were had were some of the best!
Kris and I are headed to Dallas again this coming weekend. One of our best friends from high school is getting married on Saturday. We are both in the wedding, so we have to go pick up our tuxes and stuff… I hate wearing tuxedos, but I guess sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
Ahhhh….. back to the daily grind!
Give me a shout!