Sunday, October 17, 2004

2004 Wake Board Championship

Vamos a ver... (here we go...)
What a great weekend. It was the Wake Board World Championship in Sevilla. It was a lot of fun. Thursday after class ...6 or so of us went down by the river to watch the qualifying rounds. It is really pretty down in that area and I enjoyed myself. Wake boarding is a lot of fun to watch. Friday we stopped down there and it was the Jr’s tournament... We didn’t stay too long cause we had other things to do. Friday we met up with some girls near my house and hung out all night. Ended up at Stiffler’s bar (we call it that cause there is a picture of Sean William Scott "Stiffler" and the owner up in the bar... he was here last winter) and then came home. Saturday morning I woke up and met a few friends at Kroxan’s for some Tinto de Verano and headed to watch the Pro Men’s finals. There were a ton of people at the wake boarding competition! (I took pictures ... and most of them turned out kinda bad because it was fast movement.. but if u look on the pictures with the boats you can normally see the wake boarder flipping in the air...) It was crowded and there were vendors everywhere. We met people from all over the world that were in the tour. There was also a kid named Martine (7 years old) from Madrid competing. These guys and girls get to travel all over the world and see some of the best beaches because of Wake Boarding! I have never been to something like this before and I never expected to see something like this in Sevilla. It was quite an experience. I met a lot of people and enjoyed good conversation. I needed a down weekend like this! Sunday I didn’t do much. Went to Starbucks and studied for a quiz that I have Monday. Next stop for the tour... Australia! Next stop for me.... class! Thursday we have our final for Spanish 1. Next weekend I am going to Portugal and then I start Spanish 2. It is "crunch time" here in Sevilla. I have so much going on and I don’t feel like I have enough time to do it. I hope I do good on this test!

CLICK the link to see my VIDEO... it should automatically play in whatever media player you have on your computer.

Hasta Luego mi amigos!

(check out the new Wake Board album..)

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